Basic Information About Hardwood Flooring Options You Should Know

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When it comes time to make decisions about the floors in your house, hardwood can be an option that will provide some important advantages over other commonly chosen flooring materials. For a homeowner to make informed choices, it can be useful to review some of the more basic facts concerning the use of hardwood flooring.

Engineered Hardwood Can Look Identical To Solid Hardwood

Engineered hardwood flooring can provide many of the benefits of solid hardwood, but it will typically be a far more affordable option. Regardless of its affordability, a homeowner may not choose to install engineered flooring due to assuming that it will look worse than solid. In reality, engineered hardwood flooring will have an exterior that is made of high-quality hardwood; this can give it the look that you are wanting while being far more affordable than solid hardwood options.

Both Engineered And Solid Hardwood Flooring Can Be Resurfaced

Having the hardwood floors resurfaced can be one of the steps that a person will take in order to restore the appearance of their floors. By having the hardwood resurfaced, you can remove much of the scuffing, scratches, and stains that may have occurred to it over the years. Regardless of whether you choose engineered or solid hardwood, you will be able to have these floors re-surfaced so that their appearance can be preserved. While both of these flooring materials can be resurfaced, engineered floors will typically be more limited in that they may only be able to be resurfaced a few times over the lifespan of the floors.

Hardwood Flooring Should Be Protected Against The Sun's Ultraviolet Light

While hardwood flooring will have a beautiful color and texture, it can be prone to degrading due to exposure to intense sunlight. The sunlight that enters through the windows may have the effect of bleaching the floors that are near it. This can occur due to ultraviolet light breaking down the colors on the floors. One solution for mitigating this is installing films that will block ultraviolet light. Without this film, you will have to occasionally restain the floors in order to preserve their appearance. While individuals may underestimate the impacts that solar bleaching can have on their floors, these steps can allow them to minimize the risk of this color bleaching occurring and will restore the floors in the event that the color does start to fade near the windows in the home.
